Friday, October 05, 2007


Well, it's October now.
My prospective publisher rejected my novel. (Moron. He'll regret that later.)
I'm pitching my cowboy video to a producer, in the hopes that someone will want to make it for real. (Oh, yeah, and pay handsomely for the privilege.)
I do some website work for friends and lovers.
Life at home continues to have its ups and downs, but Christine continues to take excellent care of me. I cannot adequately express my appreciation for all she has, and continues to have, done.
My friends, of course, are a wonderful support for me in these odd times. I thank you all.
My new cat; Flora, is extremely cute, and she continues to amuse and delight us. My thanks to Meg and Ivan for that gift. (And here I wasn't even a cat person, though I am now; this one, anyway.)
Continued visits, of course, are welcomed; I'll be here, when I'm not at Fighting Back (Wednesday and Friday afternoons only).
See you.


kirkmc said...


Congratulations on your recovery. I discovered your blog via a Google alert for cavernous angioma. Since I have one too, and work with Angioma Alliance, I keep up to date on any info I can find about the condition.

Mine is in the brainstem, but a bit higher, in the pons; you had a bleed in one of the worst places, the midbrain. I see it's taken you a while to get back in shape, and again, congrats on all the work it took - I know it's tough.

You might want to check out the Angioma Alliance forum, where plenty of other people can benefit from your experience. While there are a fair number of brainstemmers there, I don't know of any who have been through as much as you.



Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the book. Any hope for pitching it to someone else?

Anonymous said...

There are alot of morons out there wildman BUT I still want to c the freakin cat