Thursday, March 08, 2007 last

It's amazing how long it can take two adults to shower, eat breakfast and get out the door. But we arrived at outpatient rehab on time, ditching our errands we had planned on the way. Mark had a full schedule from 11 am till 3:30 pm and we stopped at the grocery store on the way home. We arrived home after five, and ate dinner around 7. Mark hit the sack at 9. The only nap he had was the ride home from rehab which takes about 40 minutes. The boring chat on NPR radio and the warm sun shining in the car windows was very condusive to sleeping. After we got home, Mark watched some TV which is something he hadn't been interested in for months. I asked if he wanted to write tonights blog but he declined. He's awake for extended periods of time now and napping a lot less.

He wanted the caption on this picture to say "although I can't walk far or well on my own, I can still drive like a mad man". He very much enjoyed the motorized cart at the grocery store and intends to motor up and down the aisles often until he gets flagged by the store staff!


Anonymous said...

"He very much enjoyed the motorized cart at the grocery store and intends to motor up and down the aisles often until he gets flagged by the store staff!"
Hey.... a moving TARGET! : )

Anonymous said...

And don't forget about those parking spaces!

Anonymous said...

Let me know when he gets his first speeding ticket!


Kelley said...

The Mark I remember had eyes. When will the eyes come back?

Anonymous said...

Nice ride! I'll bet it feels good to get out and about.