Rico's been saway for awhile, but he's back now.
First there was this time in various hospitals, in varying states of conciousness, but then I was let out into the world, moe or less tht same as when I went in.
Chritine has, as related below, been taking care of me throughout, for which I am eternally grateful.
I'm as stupid and ornery as ever, I'm told, so the experience didn't change much, apparently.
But it did give me a new sense of gratefulness for smal pleasure and courtesies, so it wasn't a wasted time.
i"ll relate what I can recall here for your amusement as we go along. Questions are welcme, and some may actually ge answered.
My undying love and gratitude to those who too care of me, startig with Christine.
It"s an odd thing to say, but I'm grateful to be back, and apparently in such good shape.
More anon.