Friday, December 15, 2006

Early Evening

Just to show us that he knows what's going on, and to show off of course, when Mark hears the nurse enter his room he goes through the whole routine of wiggling his toes, giving the thumbs up etc. before she even asks him to. Unfortunately, he only likes to do this when he doesn't have visitors!

The nurses say he sleeps when I'm there because I comfort him. Ha! Just wait.

Tonight I introduced him to my new friend whose husband is in the room next door with an AVM (the only one who has had something similar to Mark that I've met so far). He opened his eyes, raised his arm and waved. Damn, what a ladies man.

Other than that, all is well and progressing (slowly.....).

Maggie and I are going back tonight for the eight o'clock visit. Will post again.


Kelley said...

Better and better...

Anonymous said...

Mark - keep up the progress - like to see the good news!

Anonymous said...

We're so glad to hear the news of your healing progress, Mark.
I was feeling some trepidation about opening up your blog after being away from a computer for 5 days - afraid of what the news might be. With relief, we're seeing things getting better every day.
Chris, you're an angel. Love you both.
And to think that for awhile before all this went down I was most worried about the arrival of that package!
Look forward to hearing that you're
going home.

Anonymous said...

Oh ho! That sounds like the Mark we all know and love. Huzzah!