Sunday, January 14, 2007


Mark's nurse this morning said that his exam was excellent around 8am, but he became febrile (that means fever to us nurses – they made me an honorary nurse yesterday) later in the morning which makes him sleepy. He still holds and squeezes hands and follows some commands but has a hard time keeping his eyes open. When his fever hit 101.5 tonight they gave him some Tylenol. Then, right before I had to leave, his fever went down and he was watching one of his favorite shows, Myth Busters. That’s always a good time to leave. The move to rehab probably won’t happen tomorrow, they want his temp to be normal for at least 24 hours before they’ll transfer him.

Volunteers Needed: Dick would like to move some bookcases from Mark’s storage locker to my apartment so we can set up his office for him. We’d like someone with a pickup truck who can do some not too heavy lifting so he can make one trip. If you’d like to help out, call Dick on Mark’s cell phone.



Anonymous said...

He was probably having a reaction to the Eagles loss to the New Orleans Saints on Saturday night. Who Dat!?

I'm glad to hear that things are on the upswing.

Anonymous said...

I was deflated by last weeks postings, but feel re-newed hope with the weekend news. Lets pray that this upswing continues all the way through complete recovery.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait till he is at rehab... I miss seeing him.


Anonymous said...

Mark It's time and we all love you so very much. I know you're doing your best.
Just try, jus a lil bit harder babe.