Saturday, December 09, 2006


Mark seems to have had his worst day and night yet. He still has a high fever from the infection and now has pneumonia in the right upper lung. The pressure in his four ventriculostomies was rising and his heart rate was in the 160's. They checked him for a heart attack, but this was negative. They are beginning additional antibiotics for the pneumonia. He was uncomfortable enough that they lightly sedated him tonight. Dick, Maggie and I are at our lowest point yet. I'll call the hospital first thing tomorrow and will post again then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Christine, Richard and Mum.
Wish you strength and for Mark too. Went to an old Cathedral in Den Bosch (southern part of Holland) yesterday and burnt a candle for Mark. Not a prayer man myself, do hope this helps.
Love, Rob (Bicycle)