Monday, December 18, 2006


When the doctors inserted the endoscope into Mark's head, they found scar tissue membranes had formed between the ventricles. They broke up these membranes today. They'd told me two weeks ago that they might need to do this when the four quadrants weren't draining as one and he had to have multiple ventriculostomies. Unfortunately, they found fluid in these sacs and wanted to test the fluid for infection before they put in the shunt. So they sent the fluid off for culture and they need to wait a couple of days to see if anything grows. Since he was doing so well and hadn't had a fever in days, I think this is precautionary and hopefully he'll have his shunt inserted soon. Although with the holiday approaching, it might not be until next Tuesday. He was still recovering from the anesthesia tonight and was back on the ventilator. They will begin to wean him again tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

we be there then, too

Anonymous said...

Mark, hang tough, we are thinking of you. It's two steps forward, one back, but you are getting there. :)

Anonymous said...

Damn, two steps forward one back. Frustrating...But hang tough buddy, you can get through this one too. The network of friends you have collected over the years sure is pulling for you. The collective love and prayers are pulling for you. Happy Holidays Buddy. See you soon