Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Looks like the doctors were right. Mark has a fever of 102+ which probably means the fluid they found yesterday was harboring an infection. He's gotten over the other infections and fevers and I have no doubt that he'll get over this one too. Frank is Mark's nurse today and he has as much if not more compassion that his other nurses. Mark's in very good hands today and I'm confident he will get over this hurdle too.


Anonymous said...

Still out here waiting for you, Mark.

Kat & Ben

ben_okopnik said...

Iatrogenic infections just make me incredibly angry. Bloody hell, it's a hospital - basic antisepsis is well within their ability and control - why can't they keep that crap straight? For Mark to be going through this series of infections while in the hospital (and the standard pap they like to hand out about "opportunistic infections" doesn't apply - he's there for fluid pressure relief, not AIDS) is just outrageous.

[sigh] Sorry, I'm blowing off steam. But it is wrong as hell that a large percentage of the problems that Mark has been experiencing are not the ones he brought with him.

I wish him easy healing and maximum possible comfort.

-- Ben

Anonymous said...

Hey Mark......keep being the tough guy and lick this one too....I know you are strong enough...my prayers are with you and Chris in getting past this lastest test/hurdle. Hey there are nurses and ladies out there waiting for you to flirt with them...Chris especially. So hang tough their Kuma-san and give us the thumbs up. I'm still waiting to bring the sand for the beach party.
Love and hugs,