Friday, December 22, 2006


Mark was transferred to a non-ICU room on the same floor of the hospital. He reluctlantly work up for me and kept his eyes open for a few hours. But we can't have everything. Over the weekend when he was awake for under an hour, he responded to me with nods and winks. Today, although his eyes were open, he couldn't respond with any of these. He did, almost constantly, stroke his fingers on my forearm and I swear at one point when I laid my head on my arm and fell asleep, he tapped me awake. Son of a bitch, now he's awake and we all have to be awake!

I've learned not to get too excited with these small improvements, they seem so fleeting. And for the first time in my life, I've reluctantly learned to take one day at a time.

Starting Tuesday, Dec. 26 I'll be working very long days and may not get to the hospital until late and won't be able to stay very long. There might not be much to report, but I'll do what I can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep the faith. I know that you are really exhausted and this 3 week roller coaster is getting a bit old, but hey, he knew you were there and wanted you to know he knew.
Love and Hugs to you both,