Friday, December 22, 2006

Thursday Evening

I talked to a hospital social worker yesterday who needed me to consider a skilled nursing facility for Mark. Evidently they don't think he'll be weaned off the respirator again as quickly as last time. They have done all they can do medically for him and will consider him stable in a few days. Rehab facilities don't accept patients on ventilators but these places do. And nursing homes too, if his insurance doesn't cover for former.

If that wasn't enough, he had a blot clot in his leg last night that needed emergency intervention. Since he can't be placed on a blood thinner because of his angioma, the opened the vein/artery (I don't know which one) in his groin and placed a filter so the clot can't travel to his heart or brain. The nurse told me he would be back in his room by 11 so I tried to stay awake to call. I called at 11:05 and she said that he did fine and there were no complications. She also said he got back to his room at 9:30. Of course, none of them would never think to actually call me with any news. You only hear from them when they want to perform a procedure, cha-ching!

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