Saturday, January 06, 2007


I had to threaten the resident tonight to order another CAT scan for Mark. Dick and I decided that it would be a good idea if we could see if there was any change, then maybe we would go ahead with their request from Wednesday for Mark to have another ventriculostomy (drain in his head). We had originally requested that they be conservative to see if he would wake on his own, especially considering they found no elevated pressure or bleeding from the spinal tap they did Wednesday night. Unfortunately, out of all the businesses in the good old USA, major hospital ICU's are the shortest staffed business and they don't do anything routine on the weekends. I asked the nurse to call the hospital administrator on call tonight. Within five minutes the resident said he would order a CAT scan and Mark would go down around 4am to have it done.

When his nurse (who he had last weekend before he left for rehab) performed his Glasgow exam, he scored a 5. But remember, people wake from comas all the time.


Anonymous said...

ps i love you

Anonymous said...

and the senator is?